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Everything to Know About Geothermal Heating Systems

Everything to Know About Geothermal Heating Systems

June 17, 2022

Geothermal Heating in Norcross, GA

Homeowners are increasingly turning to geothermal heating as a more efficient and environmentally friendly way to heat their homes. With the potential for significant savings on energy costs, it’s no wonder this technology is becoming so popular. Read on as we take a closer look at geothermal heating and how it works. We’ll also discuss some of the benefits associated with this type of heating system.

Understand What Geothermal Heating Is

Geothermal heating (also known as ground-source or earth-coupled heating) uses the steady temperature of the earth to provide heating and cooling. A system of pipes, called a loop, is buried underground near the building. In the winter, the loop captures heat from the earth and carries it into the building. In the summer, the process is reversed, and heat is removed from the building and carried back into the earth.

There are two main types of geothermal heating systems – closed-loop and open-loop. Open-loop systems are the most common type of geothermal system. They consist of a well that is drilled into the ground, where water is pumped down to the earth’s hot rock. The water is then heated by the rock and returned to the surface as steam.

Closed-loop systems are similar to open-loop systems, but instead of using water, they use a mixture of water and antifreeze. This mixture circulates through a loop of underground pipes, where it is heated by the earth’s hot rock. The hot water then returns to the surface, where it is used to heat a building or generate electricity.

How Warm Can Geothermal Heating Get for Residential and Commercial Buildings?

The temperature of geothermal heating depends on the climate and the type of system being used. In general, geothermal systems can maintain a temperature range of 50-100 degrees Celsius (122 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit) for space heating. This range is comfortable for most people and can be easily adjusted to meet your specific needs.

How Long Do Geothermal Systems Last?

Geothermal systems are a sustainable, long-term solution for heating and cooling your home. In fact, with proper maintenance, a geothermal heat pump itself can last for 20+ years. It all comes down to the simple fact that geothermal systems don’t have any outside components that are exposed to the elements. There are no condenser coils to rust, no compressors to freeze up, and no fans to break down. However, it’s important to have the system serviced by a qualified technician every few years to ensure that it’s running smoothly.

Geothermal ground loops can last for over 50 years with minimal maintenance required. Burial depth, the thermal conductivity of the soil, and groundwater temperature all affect how long a geothermal ground loop will last.

Other Types Of Geothermal Heat Pumps

1. Horizontal

Most horizontal geothermal heat pump systems use a 2-pipe layout. The first pipe is buried at four feet, and the other pipe is placed at six feet below the ground surface. The two pipes are connected to a heat pump, which is used to transfer heat from the ground to the building. This type of system is considered to be cost-effective and efficient because it takes advantage of the stable temperature of the earth to regulate the temperature inside the home.

2. Vertical

Vertical geothermal heat pumps are best for commercial applications and areas where land space is limited. They are also used where trenching is not possible due to shallow soil. One advantage of vertical geothermal heat pumps is that they are less invasive to the landscape than horizontal heating and cooling systems. This system requires only a few small holes to be drilled 100 to 400 feet deep, with vertical pipes placed in them.

3. Hybrid

A hybrid geothermal heat pump system uses both an air-source heat pump and a ground-source heat pump to improve efficiency. The main advantage of this type of system is that it can be tuned to provide more cooling than heating, making it ideal for locations where cooling needs are more important than heating needs. Another advantage is that the ground acts as a heat sink, meaning that the system can be used to cool a building even on days when the outside air temperature is very high. As a result, hybrid geothermal heat pump systems offer a versatile and efficient way to regulate the temperature in both residential and commercial buildings.

4. Pond/Lake

As the name suggests, this system involves running pipes from the building to a nearby water mass, such as a pond or lake. The pipes are placed eight feet under the water surface to prevent freezing. This type of system can be ideal in areas where there is a large body of water nearby, as it can provide a consistent source of heat. In addition, the water can help to moderate the temperature of the air inside the home, providing a comfortable and efficient heating option.

Advantages of Geothermal Heating

1. Environmentally Friendly

Unlike coal and other fossil fuels, geothermal energy does not produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants. As a result, they have a minimal impact on the environment. In fact, geothermal energy is often considered to be carbon-neutral, making it an attractive option for those who are looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

2. Renewable

Geothermal energy is considered a renewable resource because it is replenished by the earth’s ongoing heat production. In contrast, fossil fuels such as coal and oil are non-renewable resources because they are not being replenished.

3. Sustainable

Geothermal heat energy comes from the earth’s molten core, which is incredibly hot – up to 9392 degrees Fahrenheit. One of the benefits of geothermal energy is that it is very sustainable. Once a geothermal plant is built, it can provide heat and power indefinitely.

4. Rapid Evolution

Geothermal heat systems have been around for decades, but they are experiencing a rapid evolution thanks to new technological advancements. One of the most exciting new developments is the use of smart devices such as thermostats to control geothermal energy. This clean, renewable energy source has the potential to meet a large portion of the world’s power needs. In addition, new advances in drill technology are making it possible to tap into geothermal resources that were previously inaccessible. As a result, geothermal energy is becoming increasingly viable as a source of power for both homes and businesses. With further research and development, geothermal systems are poised to make a major impact on the way we generate and use energy.

What Can Go Wrong With Geothermal Heating?

One issue is with the ductwork. If the ducts are not installed properly, they can leak and cause the system to be less efficient. Another problem is water contamination. If the water used for geothermal heating is not clean, it can cause problems with the system. Finally, leaks can also occur. If the system is not sealed properly, water can leak into the home and cause damage. These are just a few of the potential problems with geothermal heating. If you have any concerns, be sure to talk to a qualified technician.

Contact Professionals Today!

At Bardi, we are proud to offer a wide range of heating and air conditioning services for our customers in Norcross, GA and the surrounding areas. We also offer a variety of other services such as plumbing, air purification, and maintenance plans. Our team is available 24/7 to help you with all of your needs. Call us today to learn more about our services!