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8 Ways You Can Extend the Lifespan of Your Furnace

8 Ways You Can Extend the Lifespan of Your Furnace

February 13, 2022

Furnace Maintenance in Norcross, GA

When the weather’s cold, your furnace works hard night and day to keep your home warm and comfortable. Over time, wear and tear will gradually accumulate on the system, and it will begin to decline in performance and efficiency. However, there’s no reason that process needs to happen quickly. If you create the right household conditions and practice proactive furnace care, you’ll be rewarded with several extra years of healthy heating. That way, you can put off the giant investment of a new furnace for a while and have more time to prepare financially.

1. Consistent Yearly Maintenance

There’s nothing more beneficial to your furnace than professional maintenance. In the Norcross, GA area, we at Bardi Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing can handle this essential service for you. Our technicians will inspect your furnace and evaluate its health. If they find any red flags or opportunities for preventative measures, they’ll consult with you about how to proceed. Frequently, this will result in you saving money on repair costs in the long run.

Our heating expert will thoroughly clean the furnace as well. By removing any accumulated contaminants, this process will result in improved efficiency and heating ability. When your heating system is operating smoothly and without issue, its lifespan and overall health will improve. For best results, schedule one of these tune-ups every year; on average, this will earn you an extra five to seven years from the appliance.

2. Ductwork Upkeep

Since you don’t usually see or hear much from your household ductwork, neglecting it is an easy mistake to make. However, regular duct inspections and cleanings will extend your furnace’s life expectancy.

Contaminant particles, such as dust, dirt, pollen, pet dander, and mold, naturally accumulate in your duct tunnels. In addition to worsening your air quality, excessive amounts of these particles can form large obstructions. Your furnace won’t have as much room to push hot air through, and it will need to work harder to provide comfort.

Other problems can also occur in your ductwork; leaks can form as cracks or tears, and connecting joints can become loose or damaged. These problems allow heat to escape in large quantities. As a result, your heating system will have to create more of it to compensate for the loss, which will put extra mileage on its equipment. Every year or two, bring in a ductwork technician to clean your system, inspect for leaks, and repair any damage they find.

3. Household Cleaning

You’ll never realistically eradicate 100% of the airborne contaminants from your home, but you should still clean routinely. When dust and debris accumulate excessively around your household, some of it will inevitably get cycled into your furnace’s workings. The more dust and debris that circulates into the appliance, the higher the chances of a breakdown and shortened lifespan.

All you need to do is create a monthly cleaning routine with a few primary chores. Wipe down all of your tables, chairs, counters, and other surfaces with a damp rag to remove the dust. For your pillows and rugs, take them outdoors and bat them together or shake them out. Remember to clean your air vents, too; you can remove the protective covers with a screwdriver and go to town with a vacuum hose.

4. Air Filter Replacement

Even if you’re proactive about housecleaning, it’s still imperative that you regularly replace your HVAC air filter. This filter protects your heating system by trapping contaminants, but a clogged filter can’t do its job. With a neglected filter, not only will your furnace be dirtier, but it will also struggle to circulate heat. Over a prolonged period, this is awful for the system’s health and life expectancy.

At the very least, check your filter every three months. Either thoroughly clean it or switch it for a new one.

5. Attic Insulation

Heat always rises, and the heat inside your home is no exception. Unfortunately, roofing isn’t the most effective for preventing heat loss. So, without a barrier like quality attic insulation in place, you risk putting lots of extra strain on your furnace. Plus, with so much warmth floating up into the attic, your lower floors may end up with insufficient heat.

Attic insulation comes in multiple styles; each has its own pros and cons. Fiberglass insulation is a popular type that you can install on your own. Spray foam insulation requires professional installation, but it’s extremely long-lasting and waterproof.

6. Installing a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats offer an effective way to provide your furnace with the consistent rest it needs. Overworking is one of the most detrimental things to your heating system’s lifespan, and it isn’t always intentional. Do you sometimes forget to turn off your thermostat when you leave for work? What about when you go to bed? You’re only human, but each time this happens, you’re putting extra mileage on your furnace.

These special thermostats will remove the need to manually control your furnace. You can program them only to run when you actually need the heat. They can detect the current temperature and let your heating system rest when it’s at a comfortable level. These thermostats offer several key benefits:

  • Longer furnace lifespan
  • Reduced energy usage
  • Improved furnace health
  • One less thing you need to remember

7. Using a Humidifier

Humidifiers are significant investments, but they can save you money and improve furnace health in the long run. These systems come in different forms; some will be attached to your furnace while others will be their own unit. Essentially, humidifiers work by restoring moisture to the dry air in your home during winter. As a result, it’s easier for that air to transfer heat around, and your household will feel warmer. That allows you to give your furnace more consistent rest without sacrificing comfort.

8. Sealing Household Leaks

Your home may be regularly losing heat through small air leaks. You may not even realize these openings exist, but they’re undoubtedly affecting your furnace health. However, much heat seeps out through those gaps, your heating system has to make up for it with extra effort.

You should inspect your home for air leaks regularly. The most important places to check are around the edges of windows and doorways. Even if you don’t see any openings, feel around to ensure that no air movement is occurring. With some caulking and weather stripping from the hardware store, you can tightly seal the leaks you find.

At Bardi Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing, we can handle all your heating, cooling, and plumbing needs in the greater Norcross area. Since 1989, we’ve been striving to keep our customers comfortable through all four seasons. As a family-owned business, we believe that our culture and people set us apart from the competition. Plus, all of our services come backed by solid guarantees. To learn more about our services, contact us at Bardi Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing today.