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8 Reasons Why Your AC Is Leaking

8 Reasons Why Your AC Is Leaking

July 08, 2022

AC Leaking in Norcross, GA

An AC unit is a crucial appliance in any home, especially during the hot summer months. So, it’s no surprise that a broken AC unit can cause a lot of frustration. One of the most common AC problems is leaks. But why is your AC leaking, and what can you do about it? Let’s take a closer look.

1. Clogged Condensate Drain Line

The condensate drain line is responsible for removing the moisture that is created when the evaporator coils in your AC unit cool the air. When this line becomes clogged, the water has nowhere to go and will begin to leak out of your AC unit. In some cases, a clogged condensate drain line can also cause structural damage in your home, leading to costly repairs.

Fortunately, there are a few simple solutions that can help to clear the line and prevent future clogs. The first step is to shut down the AC unit. This will allow you to access the problem without the risk of being electrocuted. Next, locate the drain line and clear any debris that may be causing the blockage. If the problem appears to be more serious, you may need to call a professional. Finally, take some preventative measures to ensure that the drain line does not become clogged again in the future. This may involve regularly cleaning the line or installing a screen over the opening to catch any debris before it has a chance to enter the line.

2. Damaged Drain Pan

A drain pan is an important part of your AC unit, and if it becomes damaged, it can cause your AC to leak. The drain pan is responsible for collecting condensation from your AC unit and preventing it from leaking onto your floor. If the drain pan becomes cracked or broken, the condensation can leak out and cause water damage to your floor.

There are a few ways to fix a cracked or damaged AC drain pan. First, try using duct tape or another type of adhesive to seal the cracks. If the damage is too extensive, you may need to replace the entire pan. In some cases, you may be able to clean the pan and remove any buildup of dirt and debris. Either way, it is important to have a qualified technician perform the repairs to ensure that your AC unit is operating safely and efficiently.

3. Disconnected Drain Line

The drain line is responsible for draining away condensation that forms on your AC unit. If the drain line becomes disconnected, water will start to accumulate and eventually leak out. In some cases, the leak may only be a slow drip, while in others it may be a more significant problem. If you suspect that your AC unit is leaking due to a disconnected drain line, it’s important to have a certified technician take a look as soon as possible. A simple repair can often fix the problem and prevent further damage to your home.

4. Frozen Evaporator Coils

Evaporator coils are located inside your air conditioner and are responsible for absorbing heat from the air in your home. As the coils absorb heat, they begin to sweat. This condensation collects on the coils and drips into a drain pan beneath the unit. However, if the temperature inside your air conditioner drops below freezing, the condensation on the coils will freeze, forming ice. As more ice builds up, it can begin to block the flow of air over the coils. This causes the coils to get even colder, which can eventually cause them to crack or break. Once the coils are damaged, they can no longer absorb heat as they should, and water will begin to leak from the unit.

If your air conditioner is freezing up, there are a few things you can do to thaw it out and prevent it from happening again. First, turn off the power to the unit and remove the frozen evaporator coils. These can usually be found in the outdoor condenser unit. Next, use a hair dryer or space heater to thaw out the coils. Once they’re thawed, clean the coils with a brush and vacuum any debris that may have accumulated. Finally, check the thermostat and make sure it is set to the correct temperature. A thermostat that is set too low will cause the evaporator coils to freeze.

5. Broken Condensate Pump

The condensate pump is responsible for collecting the water that drips from the evaporator coils and drains it outside. If the pump is broken, the water will start to build up and eventually leak from the AC unit. In addition, a broken condensate pump can also cause your AC to freeze up. If you suspect that your condensate pump is broken, it’s important to have it replaced as soon as possible by a professional technician.

6. Dirty Air Filters

One of the most important components of your AC unit is the air filter. The air filter’s job is to trap dirt, dust, and other airborne contaminants before they can enter your home. Over time, dust and dirt build up on the air filters, restricting airflow and causing the unit to work harder to cool the home. As a result, the coils can freeze, leading to condensation and water leaks. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to regularly clean or replace your air filters. By doing so, you’ll keep your AC running efficiently and help to prevent costly water damage.

7. Incorrect AC Installation

When an AC unit is not installed correctly, it can cause the drain pipes to become misaligned or blocked. As a result, water begins to build up inside the unit, eventually leading to leaks. In addition, if a central air conditioner is not leveled properly or a window unit is incorrectly installed, it can also cause problems with drainage and lead to leaks. Thankfully, these problems can usually be fixed by hiring a professional AC technician. Therefore, it is always best to have your AC unit installed by a qualified professional in the first place to avoid these issues.

8. Condensation Buildup

When the temperature inside your home is significantly cooler than the temperature outside, the air inside your AC unit becomes saturated with moisture. This moisture condenses on the evaporator coils and drips into a drain pan below. However, if the drain pan becomes full or blocked, the water can start to leak out of your AC unit. In addition, if there is any damage to the coils or the drain pan, this can also cause leaks.

There are a few things you can do to prevent condensation buildup in your AC unit. First, make sure that the area around your AC unit is well-ventilated. This will help to prevent warm, moist air from coming into contact with the cold coils. Second, you can install a dehumidifier in your home to help reduce the amount of moisture in the air. Finally, you should have your AC unit serviced regularly to ensure that it is operating properly and that the coils are clean and free of debris.

Call Professionals Today!

At Bardi Heating, Cooling and Plumbing, we are proud to serve the Norcross, GA community. We offer a wide range of heating, air conditioning, and plumbing services, and our team of highly trained and certified technicians are available 24/7 to help you with all your emergency needs. We also offer financing options to make our services more affordable, and we’re always happy to answer any questions you may have. Call us today!